deutsche Version
Bad sense of direction?
Build an electronic compass with RS232-interface.
More communications nessecairy?
ComBox is a tool for LAN-parties or
other occasions where groups of computer-users have to communicate over
a longer distance. Good quality, no latency, no pressing of buttons.
A dark age will come!
Build a flashlight!
Version I

Probably the world's first waterresistant switchable dualcolored LED-Flashlight
in keyring-size with switching power-supply for constant brightness and
operation with one micro-battery or accu only.
Problems with water?
Try my waterwarner.
How close do you like?
Use a capacitive distance and force-sensor
with integrated spring-element. Dimensions: 20x50x5mm, distances of 3mm
can be measured. Frequency modulated output.
All plans are provided "as is" without any warranty for anything!
last change 2002-03-30 Archi